Monday, August 1, 2016

Foodie Frenzy

Anyone who knows me personally knows that they're not allowed to take a bite of the food when it comes to our table unless I get to take pictures of it. Most of my family members just laugh and roll their eyes by now because they're extremely used to my foodie ways. 

In the first food blog post I ever wrote, I shared why the concept of food and sharing food pictures and recipes is something so special to me-- but this is a topic I want to revisit again. In short, my mother was a baker and chef for years while my father was an amazing photographer in his free time. Somehow I took a liking to the concepts together: food photography.

Growing up I have many memories of standing in my kitchen (on my tip toes) observing my mom work her magic: 

Whisking, sauteing, steaming and mixing. 
Flipping, chopping, smashing, and brewing.

...always wondering how my mom perfectly combined ingredients to create the most mouth-watering food I've ever tasted (most of the time without ever using recipes). The best part was she always let me help in any way my little fingers could contribute and I would feel so proud. 

My father was a genius behind the lens. Each step of the way growing up my father was there with the camera documenting and savoring every single moment. Although his camera was too complex for me to ever touch, I observed and learned how he was able to capture scenes and images that everyone else was blind to. 

I take immense pride in the passion that I have for cooking and food photography, and I know there are so many other Cleveland foodies, and people all over the world, who share this same exact feeling.  As much as I love having people follow my blog posts and my Savor the Flavor Instagram account @savetheflav, I firmly believe that I am the one getting the most satisfaction from all of this. 

As time goes on, I would absolutely love to pursue opportunities where I'm able to blog about food/recipes/restaurants near and far. Although it's not something I am not currently doing as a job like some bloggers, I feel so happy pursuing something I am passionate about. 

...I've come a long way since then!
I also feel fortunate to be a Cleveland native and witness the renaissance that has occurred here in the past few years--especially the food scene. I am damn proud of where I come from and I love to share everything Cleveland related. Food is a big part of that because pride because there is such deep rooted culture here in this city. 
Showing off my "chef skills" at age 6 or 7...

More to come this week... --KH

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